
Intuitive Design Work

I have always been creative and loved design and painting but it wasn’t until I became the BackToLove Goddess Guide that I realised how to help other people achieve their dreams through my skills and now I help other amazing spiritual beings bring their visions to life too.

I’ve always designed social media posts (and managed to get my company top of google for 10 years when I “wore another hat” through the work I did on that) but most recently I’ve been working on these projects with other spiritually minded Goddesses!

The Wize Womban Wisdom Journal

This project was with my friend Patricia Iris Kerins and she and I have worked together for years, but this was something very special. We created this gorgeous book within a month planning it and we knew what we needed to make it look spectacular and it does. I use Canva to design and fulfil this, and Lulu.com to print it.

You see, there is this drive in me to support other people to thrive. I feel great because I learn as I work, and I get to indulge my creativity and love this work as it fuels my soul. I get to paint and design as well as use my intuition. For example, every image in this Essential Oils Workbook encapsulates the energies of the essential oils and I’ve loved painting them all. I’ve loved watching this project come to life and it’s because I thrive on seeing (and helping) someone’s vision become a reality, and I love watching their passion and excitement as I help.

And I do this work on a profit share basis. If I believe in you and your passion to get this out there to the world then I’ll help you achieve it. I’ve got all the right contracts to keep us both safe, and the skills and knowledge to help you put your ideas and thoughts into a beautiful real THING YOU CAN HOLD…whatever that THING is. So contact me today on 07427 050738 or neen@backtolove.life and we’ll chat about what you want.

References of course are available!